Post by AdamHr1122 on Apr 4, 2016 11:29:52 GMT
To join the form for free all you need to do is where it say login or register press register then sign up if you are a high rank in the group like co owner or president or Vice President or CEO you will be a administrator in the form and you will be able to add threads and stuff like that and when the form is under maintaince you will be able to access the form
Post by AdamHr1122 on Apr 4, 2016 11:44:21 GMT
Oh and don't put your real name put your roblox username (passwords are not saved or logged so we don't know them and never give your passwords away we will never ask for them if one of us does please don't hezitate just tell one of us and that person will be demoted in Apple and banned from the form)